

室外主球場 2F
  • 開放時間:06:00~19:00
  • 需事前預約,請洽中心球場人員。
  • 開放時間:06:00~19:00
  • 需事前預約,請洽中心球場人員。

企業包場、賽事、大型活動、商業拍攝等收費方式不同,請電洽(02)2795-1166 分機819。



  1. 使用球場請先至櫃檯預約繳費後始可使用,違規使用者依收費標準收費,非繳費之使用者請勿進入場地。
  2. 因關係您的權益及使用品質,請勿任意遲到、早退;若預約或課程時間未到,請於場地外等待。
  3. 活動包場或預約14天後之場地,請洽本中心相關業務人員。
  4. 本中心不負保管私人物品之責任,若有貴重物品請隨身攜帶。
  5. 為了維護您的安全及個人衛生,進入球場需著運動服裝、運動鞋並攜帶毛巾,禁止穿著不合規定之鞋類進入。
  6. 請維護場地清潔與設備安全並於使用後將器材、環境恢復原狀。
  7. 球場範圍嚴禁進食、吸菸、嚼食檳榔及口香糖,飲用水請裝於有瓶蓋之容器內。
  8. 為了維護您的健康,若患有心臟病、高血壓、氣喘等不適合運動之相關疾病、飲酒後及其他經人員判斷不適合運動之狀況,請勿下場運動。(除持有醫師證明者外)
  9. 本中心嚴禁私人教學,未經本中心核准,不得於本中心進行教學之行為,如有出現教學指導行為者,經勸導後仍執意教學,本中心將錄影拍照蒐證並將教學者請出場外,以維護中心及其他使用者權益。
  10. 若使用中身體有任何不適,請立即停止運動,並告知現場人員。
  11. 請勿攜帶寵物進入球場,法令另有規定者不在此限,例如導盲犬、導聲犬及肢障輔助犬等。
  12. 場地之設施應愛惜使用,未經本中心許可,禁止隨意劃線、塗鴉、增設任何固定標誌、隨意張貼或懸掛海報標語及敲釘之行為,如有損壞應照價賠償。
  13. 嚴禁燃放鞭炮及施放煙火,違者報警取締,如造成意外災害,借用單位應負責並賠償。
  14. 本中心嚴禁任何攝影、拍照;如有需求,請向本中心提前申請,並繳付相關費用。
  15. 本中心有場地調配、開班與否及併班之權利。
  16. 本中心基於行銷及配合市政等目的,將不定期拍攝場地使用狀況,使用於各種設計、重製、宣傳、發表、出版、展覽、網路公開傳輸、刊登報章雜誌、出版等用途;商業攝影及行銷行為請事前申請並經核可方可進行。
  17. 本中心保有依現場實際情況增列或修改本使用規定之權利,若有違反上述事項,本中心管理人員可隨時禁止使用者之行為。

  1. Please make an appointment at the counter to use the stadium before you can use it. Violating users are charged according to the charging standard. Non-payment users are not allowed to enter the stadium.
  2. Due to your rights and use quality, please do not arbitrarily be late or leave early; if you make an appointment or the course time is not up, please wait outside the venue.
  3. For event reservations or reservations 14 days later, please contact the relevant business personnel of our center.
  4. The center is not responsible for keeping personal belongings. If you have valuables, please bring them with you.
  5. In order to maintain your safety and personal hygiene, you need to wear sports clothing, sports shoes and bring towels when entering the stadium. It is forbidden to enter the stadium wearing irregular footwear.
  6. Please maintain the cleanliness of the site and the safety of the equipment, and restore the equipment and environment to the original state after use.
  7. Eating, smoking, chewing betel nuts and chewing gum are strictly prohibited in the court area. Drinking water should be placed in a container with a bottle cap.
  8. In order to maintain your health, if you suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure, asthma and other related diseases that are not suitable for exercise, after drinking alcohol or other conditions that are judged by personnel to be unsuitable for exercise, please do not stop exercising. (Except those who have a doctor's certificate)
  9. Private teaching is prohibited in this center. Without the approval of this center, teaching behaviors are not allowed in this center. If there is any teaching guidance behavior, the center will continue to teach after persuasion. To protect the rights of the center and other users.
  10. If you feel any discomfort during use, please stop exercising immediately and inform the on-site personnel.
  11. Please do not bring pets into the stadium, unless otherwise specified by the law, such as guide dogs, sound guide dogs and handicapped assistance dogs.
  12. The facilities of the venue should be used sparingly. Without the permission of the center, it is forbidden to draw lines, graffiti, add any fixed signs, randomly post or hang posters, slogans, and nails. Any damage should be compensated at the price.
  13. It is strictly forbidden to set off firecrackers and fireworks. Violators should report to the police and ban them. If accidents occur, the borrowing unit shall be responsible and compensate.
  14. Any photography or photographing is strictly prohibited in this center; if you need it, please apply to this center in advance and pay the relevant fees.
  15. The center has the right to allocate venues, start classes, and combine classes.
  16. Based on the purposes of marketing and municipal administration, the center will shoot occasionally the use of venues for various design, remake, publicity, publication, publication, exhibition, network public transmission, publication of newspapers and magazines, publication and other purposes; commercial photography and For marketing activities, please apply in advance and be approved before proceeding.
  17. The center reserves the right to add or modify the terms of use according to the actual situation on the site. If there is a violation of the above matters, the management personnel of the center can prohibit the user's behavior at any time.